Uplifting Articles

Tis the Season for Kindness

Christmas and new year is a time of joy and celebration. It’s arguably our most favourite time of the year. Bringing out the ornaments and lights, decorating the tree... I just love it! Traditions new and old bond families and just the words ‘Christmas’ or ‘New Year’...

The Reason Why Holiday Traditions are Important

You may not even realize the importance of tradition and the role it plays in your life until much later when you look back at your childhood memories and remember all the good times you had with your families and friends. These traditions become our legacy that we...

Is It Time To Fall Back In Love With Being You?

Modern living is tough on us. It takes its toll on the mind, the soul and the body. In an era where we’re all working harder than ever just to keep ourselves financially afloat, it can seem as though we’re eternally toiling yet never have enough money or time. The...

Being The Better Person

We all find ourselves in situations that test our patience and our tempers, yet, if we give in to these emotions, it never usually makes these situations better. In fact, if you lose your temper at a situation that is out of your control, it can lead to worse feelings...