Tarot card reading is often seen as something either phony or so far beyond someone else's scope, it's too...

Tarot card reading is often seen as something either phony or so far beyond someone else's scope, it's too...
The world can be hard, cold, and unjust sometimes please don’t let it turn you to the dark side. You have a light,...
This July will mark the two-year anniversary of the beginning of what I considered to be my professional writing...
"The 1990’s was one of the most musically diverse decades in history. Pop and heavy metal decreased in popularity,...
Over the years, I have broadened my knowledge of music and have enlarged the size of my music library. After listening...
When I scroll down my Facebook newsfeed, I often come across numerous jokes and memes on mean bosses and though they...
Most of the human race has a strong connection to music. Whether you're happy, sad, angry or celebrating?,? music can...
In the world today, now more than ever, self love is a needed and precious commodity. And, to surround yourself with...
In this day and age spending quality time with our children is getting more difficult. As a working mother, sometimes...
“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” -...
2016 is almost over as are the events that made the year another interesting one. Large scale 2016 has been a year...
One of the wonderful things about becoming a parent is the opportunity to walk through each stage of childhood and to...