Feeling great in yourself is a must if you really want to excel in life. If you don’t love yourself or don’t think...

Feeling great in yourself is a must if you really want to excel in life. If you don’t love yourself or don’t think...
Finding inspiration from those who surround you, or those whom you admire can be a worthwhile focus. We all have our...
Lady Gaga has become a force of nature that is building a stable career not only as a musician but also more recently...
Do you often have feelings of failure or that you don’t measure up to the rest of the human race? You are not alone in...
As we grow older we change and this change is the type that is necessary for personal development. It’s some that we...
We are shaped by our past. More importantly though, we are shaped by the stories we tell ourselves about what our past...
As a writer and musician, there have been many times that a particular quote or lyrics from a song have impacted me to...
They say, "when it rains, it pours" and it’s often true. Sometimes it feels as though the world is falling apart all...
There are certain people, times or events in our lives when we are forced to break out of our shells, thrust into...
This month is all about fear, today I lost my grandfather. He was 80 years old and had an amazing life and a lot of...
Isn’t it ironic how we are quick to trust others and yet we struggle to trust ourselves? I know there are many of us...
First, let me clarify something to all of you, I am not a therapist. I am simply a writer of poetry that somehow...