Healthy Living Articles

5 Simple Ways To Practice Self-Care (That Really Work)

Self-care. It's become a bit of a buzzword over the last year or so. People finally understand the benefits of looking after number one. But as with any trend, the initial idea starts to lose meaning. And it becomes more about posting enviable pictures of bubble baths...

Beat The Slump With These Energy Boosters

Do you suffer from a lack of energy? There could be several things to blame. Not getting enough sleep, feeling stressed at work and being inactive are all things that can leave you feeling tired and sluggish. If you’re concerned that your tiredness has come on...

Why We Should All Spend More Time Working in the Garden

If you are lucky enough to have a garden, however big or small, there is no doubt you should be making more use of it when the weather is good.  Around 42 percent of people in the United States alone are vitamin deficient, and around 80 percent of COVID patients in...

7 Ways To Modify Your Home For Deaf Individuals

Home adaptation projects are always complex and they seem to need more thought than many other DIY projects. However remember that you need to put yourself into the shoes of someone who may be deaf, blind or unable to use their lower body. Other things like making a...