There is nothing more representative of a healthier lifestyle than when you’ve bid goodbye to unhealthy habits. Whatever they are, from a bad diet to a dependence on alcohol (or something more severe), when we are rebuilding our lives so that we are healthier, what are the best practices to ensure that we are doing everything we can to be the best version of ourselves?
Focusing On Our Body Being A Temple
After all, if we’ve had unhealthy habits, they’re going to show up in certain ways on and in our body. If we have had unhealthy habits in relation to food, these can show up as “war wounds” like weight gain or bad teeth.
As we begin to make our changes in lifestyle so that we feel better, we have to look at what makes our body function at its most optimum, but also, what makes us look at ourselves in the mirror and think that we are proud of how we look.
These could involve a few simple changes, perhaps a toothbrush subscription so that we are keeping on top of oral hygiene, perhaps a new wardrobe of clothes that make us look better in our own personal opinion, or undertaking a few habits that we know will benefit us as far as pride in our appearance is concerned.
You don’t have to hit the gym, but if this is what will keep you focused on new healthy habits, then it’s essential. Making our body our temple, especially after unhealthy habits in life will give us that boost, health-wise, but also help us to take a bit more pride in how we look. Because after all, if we look good, we feel good…
Changing Our Mindset
The biggest worry we all have after making changes from an unhealthy habit to a healthy one is if we’re able to keep this up. The “mind over matter” approach is something that we’ve all got to give consideration to.
While habits are hard to break, there are external influences in our lives that will tempt us back into our old ways. And when we feel these temptations, we’ve got to be strong enough to say “no”. Whether this is too sugary treats at Christmas, or something stronger the one thing we have control over is our mindset.
And even though we think we are mentally weak, or we give into our “inner chimp”, to make sure that we are exerting control over our bodies and our minds are about practicing this mindset. Being mentally strong isn’t something that happens overnight, but it’s a practice that has its ups and downs.
And what we have to remember is that it’s about taking baby steps. Even something like giving up sugar is difficult
This is where we have to give ourselves a break. Overcoming any obstacle can involve a few setbacks now and again- we could make two steps forward but take one step back. Looking at the bigger picture in relation to this is essential.
And when you’re rebuilding your life after an unhealthy vice or addiction, you’ve got to develop a sense of mental toughness to get over the initial hurdles, but you’ve also got to figure out how best to give yourself a break if you do lapse. It’s not just about being strong and stubborn, but it’s about learning how to manage these external influences. Mindset is vital for this because you can’t control everything around you. As you are learning how to become the best version of yourself you will inevitably learn your triggers but also gain an understanding of how best to manage these. It’s all about how you react to these situations.
It’s not just about being strong and stubborn, but it’s about learning how to manage these external influences. Mindset is vital for this because you can’t control everything around you. As you are learning how to become the best version of yourself you will inevitably learn your triggers but also gain an understanding of how best to manage these. It’s all about how you react to these situations.
With all of this, we can never underestimate the impact help has on us. But when we are rebuilding our lives so we can implement healthier practices, what we have to think about to ensure that it sticks is building new habits for “life”, not just the near future. This can mean compartmentalizing past aspects of your life because this is not who you are anymore.
This can be quite difficult, but what you have to remember is that you are making a new version of yourself which can give you the mental toughness you need to overcome these hurdles.
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