Dear former me, I am sorry for all the hard lessons, and ignorance you had to endure. Our heart has taken some pretty...

Dear former me, I am sorry for all the hard lessons, and ignorance you had to endure. Our heart has taken some pretty...
It is not unusual for people to challenge someone based on various reasons. But when you’re a person with a...
Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt an instant connection to them as if you have known them your...
The appointment you have next week, the list of things you need to accomplish, and the contact list that keeps you in...
I have two young children and I have been dreading this day for some time now. My 5-year-old daughter is starting...
Although my children are all teenagers, and I have never taught any subject other than music, I have always had an...
Editors Note: This is part 2 of a previous article, "Our Legacy From a Special Boy Carter" Word from the President:...
2015 was the worst year of my life. It was the year I broke. It was the year I walked away from everything I thought I...
A life in public service lends itself to a wide range of experiences. Theft, episodes of mental illness, working with...
As a child I wanted to be many things when I grew up. Initially, I wanted to be an astronaut then an archaeologist and...
I didn’t see it coming. Sometime life throws a punch which we don’t see coming. Punches that come without even a hint....
One of the most significant moments in my life, and there have been many, happened when I was just ten years old and...