by A Better Today Media Staff | May 24, 2021 | Health
After an unremittingly grim start to 2021 in many countries, the Covid picture across much of the world has become somewhat less gray in recent months. As vaccine rollouts progress in increasing number, infection, hospitalization and death rates are falling off. It...
by A Better Today Media Staff | May 24, 2021 | Healthy Living
Whether you started the new year off with a brand-new fitness plan and you’re crushing those resolutions, or you’re new to hitting the gym consistently, soreness after your workout is usually completely normal! When muscles are required to work harder than they are...
by A Better Today Media Staff | May 24, 2021 | Health
We all want to take good care of our teeth. Not only is toothache painful, but gum disease can ravage our mouths and our looks. That’s why we all aim to do whatever we can to look after our oral health, from brushing regularly to avoiding certain foods, but if you’ve...
by A Better Today Media Staff | May 21, 2021 | Relationships
Human relationships are arguably the most important part of our lives. Many of them happen by accident. For example, you don’t actively choose your family. All of them need to be carefully managed. This includes giving them an annual appraisal to see if they’re still...
by A Better Today Media Staff | May 20, 2021 | Healthy Living
Self-care. It’s become a bit of a buzzword over the last year or so. People finally understand the benefits of looking after number one. But as with any trend, the initial idea starts to lose meaning. And it becomes more about posting enviable pictures of bubble...