Journaling is often recommended to people who are struggling with their mental wellbeing. If you are wondering why that might be the case, take a look at these very real ways that the process of journaling can improve your wellbeing:

It can reduce stress 

One of the best things about journaling is that it can help to relieve your stress. Studies have shown that spending just 15 to 20 minutes journalling at least 4 or 5 times a week is enough to help relieve the symptoms of stress and even lower your blood pressure. So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, take out a pen and paper, or start your own online journal – we suggest Nestify in conjunction with WordPress – and start pouring your feelings out of your head. It will do you the world of good.

It can help you get a good night’s sleep

If you are someone who struggles to sleep, partially if you struggle to sleep because you spend all night thinking about your problems, turning them over in your head, then journaling could help you to get more shut-eye too.

Simply spend a few minutes before you turn in for the night noting down your problems and worries. This helps you to acknowledge them while getting them out of your head for the night, so you can drift off more easily, and sleep more peacefully.

Improve your immune function

Amazingly, the simple act of journaling has also been shown to boost your immune system and lower your risk of getting sick. People who journal tend to have improved immune system functioning and fewer symptoms of arthritis and asthma. They may also have improved liver and lung function, and some research even suggests their wounds will heal faster too. It really is amazing.

Improves mood

If you are feeling down, or even if you are suffering from depression, keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings can help to boost your mood. This is not surprising because journaling is a creative activity that helps you to stay in the present moment and work through difficult emotions more effectively. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

Boosts memory

Not surprisingly, journaling can also help to improve your memory. People who journal will naturally start to be more observant in their daily life, so that they have things to note down in their journal, and of course, the aft of noting things down will help to better commit them to memory too.

Improves emotional health

Journaling can improve emotional wellbeing overall by putting people in better touch with their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and giving them a positive outlet for working through them. If you struggle to regulate your emotions, journaling could be just the thing you need to help you get back on a more even keel.


As you can see, journaling is one of the best things you can possibly do for yourself, so why not state your own journaling practice today?


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