An annual health checkup is recommended for women over the age of 18. Women should be aware that some yearly routine tests are not meant to catch diseases before they happen but rather identify risks for future problems. 

These problems might never surface, at least not without serious lifestyle changes on the part of the patient. However, it’s often easier to run these preventative checks than to wait for conditions to worsen and require more costly attention. 

These 5 Regular Screenings Can Save Lives, So Making Sure You Include Them In Your Annual Checkup Is Important

Dental Checkup: 

Women need dental care just as much as men do. A good oral hygiene routine and using dental services adds another layer to an already healthy woman by protecting her teeth from decay and infection, leading to loss of tooth function and/or tooth loss if left untreated. 

Women who experience hot flashes also may feel the heat in their mouths (from increased blood flow) and may find that their teeth are more sensitive to cold, sweet, or hot foods and drinks.

Cholesterol Screenings: 

High cholesterol can lead to heart disease, coronary artery disease (CAD), angina, and heart attack. If left untreated, CAD is the number one cause of death in women. This test measures the amount of cholesterol present in blood samples.

Hearing Test: 

Sound waves are sent through headphones or earphones into the ear canal, whereby a microphone records how sound is amplified. Reflex testing might also be used to assess hearing function where a tuning fork is placed on the middle area of the abdomen just above the navel area to determine if there’s any hearing loss from damage to inner ear structures.


A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast tissue. This test is used for early detection of breast cancer in women who may be at risk due to family history or having no previous yearly mammograms. Women should also continue with regular yearly mammograms after menopause if they have a personal history of hormone replacement therapy use. Annual mammography can detect 92% of cancers within two years before it spreads beyond the breast tissue.

Gynecological Exams: 

Pelvic exams are necessary as part of an annual health checkup for women to screen for cervical cancer. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to open it, then collects a pap smear sample from the cervix’s surface. This exam also helps detect ovarian and uterine cancers or infections that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Mammograms and gynecological exams are meant to catch diseases in their earliest stages. If you put off these tests for too long, your doctor might not be able to do much, even if they find something suspicious during a routine checkup

By scheduling regular yearly visits with your family physician, you can avoid the complications that come from delaying preventative care until it’s too late.


In Conclusion

There’s no sense wasting money on frivolous treatments once an issue has progressed beyond repair. Routine tests are the best way to catch problems before they get out of hand, so scheduling regular checkups is one of the most important things you can do for your health and well-being.


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