by Araceli M. Ream | Feb 28, 2016 | Relationships, Voices
Conflict was once an unattractive word to me. Any mention or possibility of conflict filled me with dread. I found my comfort zone within the structure of my culture, where one was taught to obey and to respect elders without question. In addition, I was raised in a...
by Karishma R.K | Feb 24, 2016 | Relationships
Heartbreak is something we all have inevitably faced at some point in our lives. The death of a relationship is often as painful as an actual death. Yes, we are entitled to weep and mourn what was, but that’s exactly what we must realise-it WAS. It’s over and...
by A Better Today Media Staff | Feb 22, 2016 | Uplifting
Welcome to part two of our series, “Writers You Should Know”. We’re so happy to introduce to you, Karishma R.K aka Phoenix Mode. I have tremendous respect for writers who put themselves out there. Please show Karishma some love! “My name is...
by John Mark Green | Feb 17, 2016 | Relationships
Do you have a friend who is always dating, but can’t seem to form a relationship that lasts? Ever felt that looking for the ‘right one’ is like searching for a needle in a haystack? I’m going to let you in on a simple secret that will make the...
by John Mark Green | Jan 18, 2016 | Relationships
Ever been in a relationship in which you find that you are investing much more of yourself than the other person is? In a friendship, this can be troubling. Eventually, you will begin to question the strength of the bond and may end up drifting apart. Much more...