Goodbye New Year resolutions and hello Intentions! I have been known to consistently break my New Year’s resolutions, they always sound so final and at times set in stone, the word ‘resolution’ isn’t something we should use with goal setting if we intend goals to be a work in progress.

With the final countdown to the end of the year upon us, we all start to think about the year that was, 2018, what we achieved; whether we met those short term or long term goals; what we wish we could change and how the year treated us.  These memories can leave us with mixed emotions and can have a negative or positive effect on how we look at our goals for the New Year.

It isn’t too late to write down your intentions for the New Year.  Make a list, as long or as short as you desire, of everything you would like 2019 to bring that either didn’t come to fruition in 2018, or anything that is still a work in progress.

Remember, it is never too late to start a new dream; never too late to continue to work on your dream, and never too late to set yourself new goals to make you happy.  One tip I would recommend- set your intentions around your happiness.  When you’re happy, then that will trickle down on to everyone else around you. Happiness also brings about less stress, better health, greater productivity, and positive vibes.

As you begin writing down your intentions, it is best to start with a clear mind, a clean slate.  A blank canvas more or less, one that you can build on to flourish into your dream goals.  Meditate; go to your quiet place, your sanctuary; listen to what your soul is telling you; write it all out, design it, whatever you do, remember, “I intend to ……”

When we use the word ‘intend or intention’ it sounds a lot less daunting than ‘resolution’.  The latter sounds so final, whereas the former allows room for improvement, growth, development.  Create a positive environment around your intention setting for 2019 and keep an open mind, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Don’t set your intentions in stone, or be judgmental of yourself. When we place pressure on ourselves to achieve all our goals at once, we set ourselves up for failure.  You can always go back in 2019 and change any of your intentions; they are your intentions and yours alone.  Allow room for development, change and life events.

It is never too late to plan for tomorrow, dream a new dream, or start a new venture.  I hope you have a wonderful start to 2019 and may it bring you all good health, prosperity and lots of love!

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