Struggling with anxiety can be hard, especially if it affects the way you live your everyday life and interferes with you fulfilling your full potential. The good news is that even if previous methods of dealing with your anxiety haven’t been as effective as you’d like, there are some attentive suggestions you may wish to try below. 



Yep, you read that right, I’m talking about medication and not meditation. Too many people feel as if they have to deal with their anxiety alone and spend all of their time and energy fighting it. Yet no one would think twice if a diabetic person said they needed to take their medication insulin to be well. 

That is why it’s important to consider medication and discuss the option with your medical provider. For some it can make anxiety so much easier to cope with, allowing you to continue on with your regular life. 


Journal it 

Another great way to deal with anxiety that not everyone is aware of is journaling. For many the mere act of writing it all down can be very cathartic, that is it helps to get it out of their minds and body and onto the page, a place where it’s often easier to deal with it! 

Some people even combine their journalling with additional practices like gratitude journaling. This can provide a nice balance between negative and positive. Helping to get some perspective on your life as a whole. 


Ask it to come to tea 

Might sound weird but this is the method that Buddha and many other Buddhists use with all sorts of less that easy to deal with emotions. Instead of fighting it and getting anxious about having anxiety, the idea is to picture yourself sitting down to a nice cup of tea with your negative feelings. You can personify them in this way, which can make it even easier to separate what they are saying and what the true you, your wise mind is saying to you. 


Get a furry friend to help you with it 

Another wonderfully effective way to deal with anxiety is to get an emotional support animal. This is an animal such as a dog or a cat that can go with you to places that cause you anxiety and provide company and soothing. Something that can make doing scary things much easier for those of us with anxiety issues. 

Of course, to be able to do this you will need to have the proper ESA letter from a medical provider. However, once you have this you will be able to take your furry friend all over with you for additional support. 


Dance it out 

Physical movement can be very helpful for those struggling with anxiety. There are many reasons for this, and the first is that anxiety often comes with the feeling of having lots of pent-up energy that has nowhere to go. Dancing can help relieve this and provide some equilibrium in the body. 

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