Don’t accept your current reality as a reason not to chase your dreams. On your deathbed, you won’t be lying there wishing you had given more to that 9 to 5 job, that bad relationship, or whatever it is constraining you now.
Journey. Doesn’t that word just send cold shivers down our spine these days. Remotely famous reality TV stars have done that word to death. Their journey from weight loss, survival, cooking and renovation shows and aren’t we over it. I hope we are not heading the same way with the word purpose.
Another word being overused. We are told to find our purpose and we create our life. We hear it, we read it. Our purpose, this magical thing that lifts us higher than anything else can. And it can. It just seems that no-one really tells us how to do that.
Simply, its use hasn’t enabled mass change in mentality. In fact, it has probably achieved more mass cynicism. Why? Because knowing you have a purpose isn’t enough. You have to know how to achieve it, you need more than just having one.
So we struggle. We struggle because of our current commitments; our current circumstances. They don’t allow us the time to reflect, let alone to dream and, heaven forbid, finding the time to achieve your purpose.
Our current priorities: our current commitments: our current jobs: our current circumstances. And you talk about purpose? How about keeping food on the table, a roof over my head and the ability to pay the bills? That’s life and my purpose will just have to wait. That’s my reality, having a purpose is really just a dream.
I understand that. Amazingly well. 30 years experience of that exact mindset gives me that understanding. But I escaped and you can too. And you should! It’s a case of making your purpose a priority. Let me share my way forward.
I used a leadership concept from John Maxwell to help me prioritise my day. I use the 3R’s. Do what’s required, do what gives you best return and finally do what rewards you. Using that as a base, I built a process which has enable me to progress towards my purpose and added two steps of my own.
1. Do what’s REQUIRED. This takes two parts for people looking for purpose. Do what is required to honour your current commitments. Hold that job, do what’s necessary to keep food on the table and a roof over your head. You cannot achieve your purpose, your dream when you’re starving on the streets. BUT, you also need discipline to take steps daily to achieve your dreams. Define those steps and take them; every day. If you want to be a writer, WRITE. If you want to be a speaker, SPEAK. It is that simple. Do what’s necessary every day, and by doing so you get closer to your dream every day.
2. Do what gets you the greatest return. What opportunities exist for you? Are you even looking? What can you be doing to get you the return needed to start working more on your purpose?
3. Do what gives you greatest reward. When people work on their purpose and their passion, it shows in their satisfaction levels. When what you do, gives you great reward, great return AND is what’s required, then you are truly working on your purpose. You know it, you feel it. You’re immersed in it.
4. Review your results. By adding a review step, you can check your progress and add reality into the mix. Reviewing isn’t meant as a sign for your to bash yourself up either. NO WAY, it’s to give you an appreciation of your progress. By placing a priority on your purpose, you take daily steps and you get closer to your dream. Recognise it, reward yourself and keep it up.
5. Refresh. Simply it’s needed. Take time to refresh to ensure that your dream is really your dream. Refresh and get moving again.
Don’t accept your current reality as a reason not to chase your dreams. On your deathbed, you won’t be lying there wishing you had given more to that 9 to 5 job, that bad relationship, or whatever it is constraining you now. No, you will be wishing you had pursued your dreams, your goals, your greatest desire. You will be wishing that you had fulfilled your purpose. You can do this, by making your purpose a priority.
Follow these five steps to make your purpose a priority. Get started. When you find yourself in that wonderful position where what you are doing is required, provides return, gives you reward, you’re getting results and it refreshes you… are in the zone, you have found your purpose. That’s the aim, that’s the goal, You’ve got this.

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I needed this today 🙂 Thank you, Tony!