It seems to be an underlying theme in nature. Every living thing has a purpose. Even animals, such as the dog Max, the main character in a film of the same name, can lose their passion for life without having a purpose. Without his handler, the German shepherd, trained to work with Marines in combat, exhibited signs of post traumatic stress disorder and was considered too hopeless to rehabilitate.

Many people, like myself, have to be passionate about something or someone in order to feel connected and to feel validated in life. There is even the extreme in my disposition where I will either love or hate something with a passion. No variances are possible.

So if you’re feeling apathetic or useless in your life, take the time to evaluate the way you spend your time. Mentally examine each relationship in your life, and take note of the activities that you do. Are they motivating you to become a better person? Do the hobbies you have add meaning to your life and/or to the lives of people around you?

Part of the passion that some of us feel towards life has much to do with the emotional connection it creates. For example, I cannot write unless an outside factor (e.g. a relationship, song, or movie) moves me to the point that I feel the need to express myself. Naturally, this is not the case for everyone, but it plays its part in each human. We are emotional beings. No matter our personalities or levels of self-control, there is always an underlying emotion or two that affects the way we act.

And there is beauty in discovery. Despite the hardships we sometimes have to endure, life is beautiful. Finding the things and the people we love fuel the passion and purpose to make this life what it was meant to be… one full of meaning and fulfillment.

Passion and Purpose


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