As we grow older we change and this change is the type that is necessary for personal development. It’s some that we notice in ourselves. It’s something we learn to embrace. As we walk down this path of change we may come across people who don’t necessarily appreciate the change. I did. But what I realised was that what mattered was what was good for me.

Be selfish in the pursuit of development. Never let anyone make you feel guilty or less of yourself because of your journey. Growing is something you have to do on your own, no one can do it for you. There will be may who may work against you but stay true to yourself.

While on this journey you will come across various psychological obstacles that you have no idea how to overcome. No matter how enlightened you become you will still need help at times, but there is plenty out there. Spiritual retreats are ideal for this as they guide you towards new ways of thinking. This shamanic ayahuasca ceremony outside of Peru, for example, should be one of the options you look into when you feel stuck.

When I meet people after a long time or read some of the things I’d written as recent as last year, I sometimes find the people or the writings immature-ish. All I can justify that with is growth. In just a year I feel more matured. I’ve become more wise. This change is myself used to make me feel less confident,as if I didn’t know myself. But now, I’m learning to trust myself, to trust my growth. This is the new me, and I quite like her.

Karismha growth

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