Uplifting Articles

The Incredible Things Communities Can Do

The world is a big place, full of wonder, excitement, and adventure and yet there are dark sides too. Cities and towns that live in conflict, the threat of natural disasters and many unfortunate people that live below the poverty line. While some live like kings in...

Take That Next Step and Start Living Your Potential

Life is full of happy milestones - both expected and unexpected. As you move through it, you’ll be more likely than you think to hit a few of these blessed occasions. Falling in love. Marriage. Traveling the world. Babies. These are all some of the milestones that...

4 Proven Ways to Feel Better Physically and Mentally

Feeling great in yourself is a must if you really want to excel in life. If you don’t love yourself or don’t think much of yourself you won’t have the self-belief needed to really make a go of whatever goals and dreams you may have. There are many ways you can feel...

How To Become Your Own Inspiration

Finding inspiration from those who surround you, or those whom you admire can be a worthwhile focus. We all have our heroes or those we respect. For example, we may imagine just how much it takes for someone to become a mascot for a certain political idea, just how...
Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters

Yesterday I got off work early and went shopping with my best friend. Unlike most girls we’re pretty precise when it...

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