Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters

Yesterday I got off work early and went shopping with my best friend. Unlike most girls we’re pretty precise when it comes to shopping so we knew what we wanted and where we’d get it so the plan was to be done in less than an hour and then head home. But before we...
Stop Chasing People Who Dont Value You

Stop Chasing People Who Dont Value You

Have you ever felt disappointed at someone’s lack of attention? Do you sometimes feels that you put way more into relationships than what you get back, almost as if you’re chasing someone for their time? Have you ever thought that this may be because you put others...
The Truth Behind “I’m Fine”

The Truth Behind “I’m Fine”

How often have you said “I’m fine” when you clearly weren’t? I bet many times, I know I have. Why is saying “I’m fine” like a default setting which is triggered when someone asks you how you are? Many of us don’t want to be seen as vulnerable or weak but what we don’t...
You are Not What Happened to You

You are Not What Happened to You

Abuse is a loaded word and it can therefore mean different things to different people. Abuse in any form be it physical or mental, is something that affects us on a fundamental level. And often it taints us in ways we may not even realise. So this article is about...