Teaching Beyond the Classroom

Teaching Beyond the Classroom

It is common to think that people who work in schools are teachers or administrators. However, such is the importance of holistic development today that many positions in school are actually non-teaching positions.   A large number of non-teaching staff employed...
Helping Ease Adult Dental Anxiety

Helping Ease Adult Dental Anxiety

Many people are aware of the importance of dental health. But even with this in mind, some grown-ups still get stressed over the dreaded dentist visit. If you are one of them and your anxiety gets in the way of your health, this article can help. Dental anxiety and...
4 Signs of Aging You Shouldn’t Ignore

4 Signs of Aging You Shouldn’t Ignore

Aging is, hopefully, something that happens to all of us. We all want to live long lives, but none of us are happy about the idea of getting old. The worst thing about it is that the signs of aging often start to show much sooner than we would like. We’re not ready to...
9 Ways To Show You Appreciate Your Better Half

9 Ways To Show You Appreciate Your Better Half

When you first meet someone special, you cannot stop thinking about them. They’re in your thoughts pretty much all day. When you go somewhere or when you buy something, you think ‘I wonder what he/she would think of this’. Because you see them as a flawless person...