Going to your eye doctor is just one of many ways to improve your eyesight and overall health. Did you know that OD’s can detect more than 300 systemic diseases in the eye?  According to famous Optometrist Dr. Kery Gelb ,”The root cause of many diseases is in our lifestyles. The good news is many diseases are reversible. Considering that the eyes are the greatest observatory into our health, your optometrist should be at the forefront of your efforts to optimize your own primary care.”

Regular checkups are essential. The good news, most of the preventative care you should be doing is going to be done by yourself. Your vision and overall health can be improved if you do a few things at home, in your lifestyle, and at work.

Staying fit

Yes, staying fit will greatly help your eyesight for a number of reasons. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.

  • More oxygen to the blood vessels in the eyes
  • Better hydration as your muscles hold more water the more they develop
  • You avoid health complications that affect the eyes caused by obesity.
  • Your blood is also going to carry more white blood cells, to help fight damage or inflammation.

Green vegetables

Did you know that on any given day only 2% of Americans have ANY leafy greens? Adding as little as 60 grams of spinach a day for a month can significantly boost macular pigment in most people. Macular pigment absorbs harmful blue light, protecting our eyes from damage. Kale is another vegetable that is good for your eyes, which you can eat regularly. Both of these rather green and leafy vegetables are packed with vitamin A, which is crucial for seeing in low light. If you have trouble seeing at night, then add more vitamin A to your diet.

Eat Foods with Omega 3’s

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your eye health and overall wellbeing. Consuming them from whole foods such as fatty fish is the perfect way to maintain a sufficient intake. Many studies suggest omega-3 may help protect eyes from macular degeneration and dry eye. It may also help decrease the risk of high eye pressure and glaucoma.

For eye conditions

If you have allergies then you should consider a treatment eye drop solution that has the ability to block your histamine response. This is when your eyes fill up with water and they don’t allow you to see as well anymore. They might be itchy and inflamed because you keep rubbing them. If you have an eye condition such as blepharoptosis then you need to should seek to have acquired ptosis eyedrop solution. This works to make activate the tissue and thus give you better vision. If you have a hydration problem and your eyes dry out easily, seek a hydration eyedrop that can make your eyes less barren of fluids.

At work

If you find yourself in front of a screen for hours on end at work, you are a ripe candidate for poor vision conditions. The concern is that you spend too much time looking at the screen. This can make for focussing issues. You should follow the 20/20/20 rule. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes for about 20 seconds at least 20 feet away and focus in on it and hold that stare. This will allow your eyes to refocus, relax and then not feel so fatigued at holding such a close focus for so long.

Good hygiene

Most of the eye problems that we face in everyday life begin not in the eyes but on our hands. Your dirty hands carry lots of debris and dirt and when you put your fingers in your eyes to rub or itch them, it can make for a really annoying and painful experience. So always be wary of what you touched last before you rub your eyes. You should really only be using the back of your hand to rub your eyes or perhaps your wrist. 

Get some sleep

Getting good hours of sleep will improve your eyesight as just like your muscles, your eyes need rest too. You may not feel it but your eyes are straining by the end of the day. They are going to need time to recover. They have been working all day long and adjusting to different light levels, distances, temperatures, and more. So make sure that you are getting 6-8 hours of sleep. The additional benefit is, you won’t feel strain during the day when you are at work.


Getting regular eye exams is a good idea to stay ahead of any health conditions that may affect not only your eyes but your overall health. “Optometrists do more than prescribe glasses and contact lenses. The eye is a biomarker for over 300 systemic diseases and is often the first place diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune disease appear.” – Dr. Kerry Gelb, Open Your Eyes

Remember, if you would like to improve your eyesight, give your eyes a break. Follow the 20-20-20 rule, and have a break for 20 seconds, looking at something 20 feet away, every 20 minutes while at work. 

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