Home adaptation projects are always complex and they seem to need more thought than many other DIY projects. However remember that you need to put yourself into the shoes of someone who may be deaf, blind or unable to use their lower body.

Other things like making a home that is less likely to cause migraines and other mental conditions flare-up, is along the same lines as it also takes a lot of thought to get right. However, it’s not a tall mountain, it’s a hill that is posing as one. This is because the market has many solutions to such problems and over the years there have been hundreds of products coming out that can help those living with an impairment.

Doorbell for the deaf 

Doorbells for deaf people are a little more complex than normal audible doorbells. For one thing, the modern doorbells in this regard come with their own app and motion detectors. They still have an audible ring to them but they rely on the deaf person having a pager or a phone which they know how to operate. The apps are simple to use but they may need to be run through if you have an older person in the house who is deaf.

These are some of the top choices. This is what you should be looking for in your deaf doorbell.

  • The app notifies the person that something is moving outside both the front and back door. Many deliveries may be left in the back garden or in the back door’s porch area as company policy.
  • The app should give you options to put the phone to vibrate or flash the screen as the doorbell is being pressed. This way there is a visual notice that the deaf person can see.
  • The doorbell should also have volume options to set the doorbell to loud or very loud. This is for someone who is almost deaf but not quiet and can still hear if the noise is very high.

Lights around the home

Another way to allow someone who is deaf to know that there is someone at the door, is to put lights around the home that flash when there is someone at the door.

This can be done by linking the doorbell, phone and lights together. You should speak with an electrician about this so they can design you a system for. It’s not that difficult really. You just need to select which kinds of lights or signs you want to have flash and where you will put them. For example, there can be a small light above the television that will light up when the doorbell has been pressed. The deaf person sitting watching TV can know right away they need to answer the door.

Deaf and emergency event

If there is someone in your family that tends to live alone and they are deaf, you should help them prepare for any kind of emergency. This way they can always help themselves while they wait for someone to arrive. These safety tips for deaf people show that you need to have some kind of plan that has food, water and other supplies in the home. You should also have a safe meeting place in case there is a storm, fire or some kind of carbon monoxide event. They must have an escape route which they can practice for getting in and out of the home in the event of a storm. This is also useful if there is an intruder in the home. Remember that deaf people may not be able to shout coherently for help, so an escape route that is easy to access and safe to use is a must. Post emergency phone numbers on their phone or somewhere they can see it easily, such as the living room wall. Inform the neighbors about these plans so they know what to expect if there is trouble that arises.


Flooring design

Really hard surfaces such as flooring can be very annoying to those who have hearing aids. The creaking and cracking of the wooden floor can be distracting and the sharp noises can block out other sounds. So you should try to adapt the acoustics of the home to be more sound absorbing.

  • Select a floor that is able to absorb the vibrations. This could be that you choose a tiled floor instead or maybe a carpet.
  • You can also select an underlayment that has been designed to limit the acoustics when stepped on. This can be great for a floor that has lots of hidden creaks and cracks. 
  • Replace any floorboards that produce too much sound.

The windows

You could also install some sound-dampening windows which can absorb sound from the outside. This can be great for those that rely on hearing technology as the fewer sounds that are heard coming from the outside, the less nuisance it will be. This is needed for those that have a very advanced aid that can pick up even the faintest noises. If there are birds in the garden chirping and singing, this can sound very loud to someone who has their hearing technology set very high. It will also mean that the window panes are more likely to act better for sound that is made indoors. The sound will be louder because of it and the glass will play the key role in allowing sounds to reach people who are not on the same floor. 

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The appliances

The home often generates plenty of sounds that we take for granted. The kettle will generate a noise when it has been boiled, the oven will sound when the timer has finished and the microwave will beep when it has finished. However, none of these appliances’ notifications are any good to someone who is deaf. So you should want to get appliances that either have apps that can vibrate a phone to let you know they are done or you need to get appliances that have a visual notification. 

However you also may want to replace appliances that make too much noise for those with sensitive hearing technology. A fridge that is too loud while it is shut is something that can grow to be distracting. You may also want to consider a washing machine that makes less noise when it is working. A washer or dryer could be the source of severe discomfort for your family member so either putting them on some rubber cushions or buying a type that is known to be quiet, is the best option.

Better lighting

Since vision has now become their main sense, better lighting would really help a deaf person. So if there are any dark spots in the home, such as dark corners or some kind of patch that doesn’t get lit up properly in the doorway, then you should put more lights in these areas. You can also get lights that are softer at night and not so blinding. So lights that can glow gently indoors during the day would add to the visibility level. You can also put more lights in dark spots like the wardrobe to help them see easier. 

Security alarms

The right kind of security alarm could really help to keep deaf individuals safe in their homes. There should be a switch in every room, in the hallways and in the foyer. This way no matter where they are, they can also call for help. These devices have both an audible alarm and they very often send an alarm to the brand that makes them and they will call the person at home. If they do not pick up the phone they can alert the authorities that something has gone wrong and they’ll send someone out to help. Alternatively, they can also let family members know that the alarm has been activated. 

However for alarms that need to be tripped i.e. when there is an intruder work in a different way. If they are triggered by way of motion detection, a noise or perhaps a door being broken, then the alarm can vibrate panels of the mattress, sofa or other kind of seating. They can also flash the lights around the home so you can see the alarm has been set off. This is great for someone who is deaf and may sleep without their hearing technology in their ears. If you would like, when the alarm goes off you can also be sent a notification through your smartphone the same way if it’s a call for help.

To build a home that caters for deaf people isn’t so hard. It can be done with just a few modifications but luckily you don’t have to worry as modern products are more than adaptable. The main things you should focus on is normal everyday stuff like the doorbell, better lighting and an emergency plan in case a fire or intruder breaks in. 

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