Do you sometimes feel like your brain isn’t very effective? Perhaps you notice that others seem to remember things more easily or be far better at calculations. They might have a predisposition to certain things – as you will too, no doubt – but the good news is that your brain is a powerful tool that is able to learn anything with the right strategies. We look at some of the best practices below. 

Try New Things 

Your brain is very responsive. It doesn’t just take care of your body’s vital functions that you don’t even think about every day; it also learns from your environment and the stimulus that you provide for it. If you continually engage in the same routines and habits every day, your brain doesn’t grow. Conversely, if you expose it to new stimuli often, it makes new connections that create new ideas. If you want to boost the power of your brain, then make a list of five things you’ve done before, like trying a Chiropractor and give them a go. 

Use learning Strategies

Many people feel like they have a certain intelligence, and that’s a fixed thing. Maybe it was a comment or a comment or a grade they received in school. The reality is that the brain can learn, and you can help it along with useful learning strategies. It’s been discovered that the brain is far more visual than once thought, so mnemonic techniques are excellent for recalling numbers and improving your spelling. Check out some of them at the blue link. 

Eat Healthily

The brain is the largest and most demanding organ in the body. And no wonder it has so much to do. It’s thought the brain requires up to 20% of all the nutrients that enter the body, so don’t forget to feed it well and with high-quality foods. The brain loves fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and oil, such as Omega 3. You can do yourself a massive favor by supporting your brain with an excellent diet.

Use Mindfulness

In the same way, trying new things supports the formation of new neurological pathways using mindfulness techniques to help your brain learn new ways of operating in certain situations. When reading, for instance, train your attention on more that one object. You’ll obviously pay attention to the words on the page and engage your imagination with the story, but also consider the sounds in the room, or perhaps your breathing. Paying attention to everything simultaneously is a form of mindfulness and an excellent brain training activity. 


Nothing trains the brain better than continual revision. The more you go back over old ground, the more depth there will be to your learning. It’s said that to really understand a text or subject, you need to expose yourself to it three times. The first time you get the gist, and the seconds and third times you learn more about the subject. So, if you want to learn something properly, you can’t settle for just one reading of it; it’s not enough. 

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